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查看訂單 0 爵士 / 輕音樂 演奏家姓氏 - A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # | 全部 共 45 張原版黑膠唱片在"爵士 / 輕音樂"類别 排序: 標題排序: 每頁顯示:
G Force / Kenny G (MD-HW/VV)
JZ80609 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Kenny G
MD-HW Masterdisk Howie Weinberg master / VV 處女膠
G Force / Kenny G (FW/HR-JR/ED1)
JZ82319 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Kenny G
FW/HR-JR Frankford Wayne Herbie Junior master / ED1 SA1-SB1 第一版位
Silhouette / Kenny G
JZ80111 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Kenny G/Smokey Robinson
Andre Gagnon Greatest Hits / Andre Gagnon (SNB)
JZ83326 ǀ HK$70
演奏家: Andre Gagnon
SNB Sabin Nelson Brunet master
Neiges / Andre Gagnon (Promo/P4)
JZ80430 ǀ HK$80.00
演奏家: Andre Gagnon
Promo 電台版 / P4 Phase 4
The Wayward Wind / James Galway (RK/1s2s)
JZ82092 ǀ HK$75.00
演奏家: James Galway
RK Randy Kling master / 1s2s 首版
James Galway plays Songs for Annie (TAS/發燒音響/KEW/KH)
JR80377 ǀ HK$115.00
演奏家: James Galway/Charles Gerhardt/National PO
TAS The Absolute Sound / 發燒音響 / KEW KE.Wilkinson / Kingsway Hall
Collector's Items (1936-1945) / Judy Garland (2LP)
JZ83723 ǀ HK$100
演奏家: Judy Garland
Judy At Carnegie Hall / Judy Garland (RB/9oc/G/ED1/2LP)
JZ82640 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Judy Garland
RB 彩虹標首版 9oc / G 凹溝 / ED1 N3N2N2N3 第一版位 / 雙唱片
24 Karat Gold From The Sound Stage (Promo/G/2LP)
JZ83033 ǀ HK$210
演奏家: Judy Garland/Herbie Hancock/Hank Williams…
Promo 電台版 / G 凹溝 / 雙唱片
24 Karat Gold From The Sound Stage (Promo/2LP)
JZ83012 ǀ HK$80$175(清貨)
演奏家: Judy Garland/Herbie Hancock/Hank Williams…
Promo 電台版 / 雙唱片
El Hombre / The 50 Guitars Of Tommy Garrett
JZ83760 ǀ HK$100
演奏家: Tommy Garrett
The 50 Guitars Of Tommy Garrett (ED1/2LP)
JZ83559 ǀ HK$125
演奏家: Tommy Garrett
ED1 1T1T1T1T 第一版位 / 雙唱片
Great Music from the Movies / Gerhardt/Bowen… (ED1/KEW/KH/4LP)
JZ80478 ǀ HK$490.00
演奏家: Charles Gerhardt/Hill Bowen etc…
ED1 1s2s2s5s1s2s1s4s 第一版位 / KEW K.E. Wilkinson / KH Kingsway Hall / Wallhamstow Town Hall 錄音 / 四唱片合裝
Captain from Castile / Gerhardt (KEW)
JZ80019 ǀ HK$80.00$155.00(清貨)
演奏家: Charles Gerhardt/NPO
KEW KE Wilkinson 錄音
Slaughter On Tenth Avenue / Gershenson (G)
JZ83470 ǀ HK$100
演奏家: Gershenson/The Universal-International Orchestra
G 凹溝
Castaway s Choice / Gibson/Gamley/Leibowitz … (8LP)
JZ80536 ǀ HK$390.00
演奏家: Gibson, Gibson, Gamley, Leibowitz…
Classic Music From Classic Films / Gibson/Lebowitz… (TR/KEW)
JZ80169 ǀ HK$115.00
演奏家: Gibson/Lebowitz…
KEW KE Wilkinson 錄音 / TR Truetone master
Music for Lovers Only / Jackie Gleason (RB)
JZ80338 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Jackie Gleason
RB 彩虹版
Music around the world / Jackie Gleason (RB)
JZ80086 ǀ HK$115.00
演奏家: Jackie Gleason
RB 彩虹版
Soundpower! / Marty Gold (BD/5s5s)
JZ83644 ǀ HK$80$125(清貨)
演奏家: Marty Gold
BD 黑狗 5s5s 初版
It s Magic / Marty Gold (BD/9s1s)
JZ80052 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Marty Gold
BD 黑狗 9s1s 首版
Blue Montreux II / Eddie Gomez/Steve Khan/Larry Coryell
JZ80583 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Eddie Gomez/Steve Khan/Larry Coryell
An Album of Swing Classics / Benny Goodman (TR-SR/3LP)
JZ80210 ǀ HK$165.00
演奏家: Benny Goodman
TR Trutone Steve Rob master / 三唱片合裝
The Swing Era / Benny Goodman into the 70s (G/3LP)
JZ80215 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: Benny Goodman
G 凹溝 / 三唱片合裝
The Benny Goodman Treasure Chest (TR-SR/VV/3LP)
JZ83574 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Benny Goodman
TR-SR Truetone master / VV 處女膠 / 三唱片合裝
All-Time Greatest Hits / Benny Goodman (2LP)
JZ83480 ǀ HK$140
演奏家: Benny Goodman
Benny Goodman & Paris ... Listen To The Magic / Benny Goodman (35mm)
JZ83167 ǀ HK$115
演奏家: Benny Goodman
35mm 錄音
Stompin at the Savoy / Benny Goodman Septet
JZ80178 ǀ HK$100.00
演奏家: Benny Goodman
The Complete Benny Goodman Volume V / 1937-1938 (ED1/2LP)
JZ83242 ǀ HK$140
演奏家: Benny Goodman
ED1 2/2/1/1 第一版位 / 雙唱片
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed