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Tattoo You / The Rolling Stones (TAS/MD-RL)
PZ82539 ǀ HK$175$280(清貨)
演奏家: The Rolling Stones
TAS The Absolute Sound / MD-RL Masterdisk Robert Ludwig master
Tom Jones Live! At The Talk Of The Town / Tom Jones
PZ86729 ǀ HK$90
演奏家: Tom Jones
Works / Emerson Lake & Palmer (Promo/AT-DK/2LP)
PZ83750 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Emerson Lake & Palmer
Promo 電台版 / AT-DK Atlantic Studio Dennis King master / 雙唱片
His Very Best / Willie Nelson (TAS/ED1/2LP)
PZ84816 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: Willie Nelson
TAS The Absolute Sound / ED1 1A1A 第一版位 / 雙唱片
Abraxas / Santana (TAS)
PC80091 ǀ HK$315.00
演奏家: Santana
TAS The Absolute Sound
The Early Years / Al Stewart (2LP)
PZ83272 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Al Stewart
Days of Wine and Roses / Andy Williams (2i)
PZ80257 ǀ HK$80.00
演奏家: Andy Williams
2i 二眼首版
Mystery Girl / Roy Orbinson (PS-DMM)
PZ82476 ǀ HK$140.00
演奏家: Roy Orbinson
PS Precision master / DMM Direct Metal Mastering
Cream Of The Cream / Sandpipers/Wes Montgomery/Quincy Jones… (GD/G)
PA80462 ǀ HK$70.00
演奏家: Sandpipers/ Wes Montgomery/ Quincy Jones/ Herb Alpert…
GD 金標首版 / G 凹溝
Now & Then / Carpenters (GD/BG)
PA80171 ǀ HK$315.00
演奏家: Carpenters
BG Bernie Grundman master / GD 金標首版
On the Border / Eagles
PZ80272 ǀ HK$385.00
演奏家: Eagles
Gusto Blusto / Culture Club (ST/ED1/EP)
PZ85388 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Culture Clube
ST Sterling Master / ED1 1B1B 第一版位
Self Control / Laura Branigan
PZ83132 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Laura Branigan
Flag / James Taylor (TML-MS)
PZ80243 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: James Taylor
TML-M/S The Mastering Lab master
Live Indian Summer / Al Stewart (Promo/TML-X/X/X/X/ED1/2LP)
PZ86379 ǀ HK$175
演奏家: Al Stewart
Promo 電台版 / TML-X/X/X/X The Mastering Lab master / ED1 1B1B1B1A 第一版位 / 雙唱片
Born Yesterday / The Everly Brothers (SNB)
PZ86909 ǀ HK$80.00
演奏家: The Everly Brothers
SNB Sabin Nelson Brunet master
Super Trouper / ABBA (AT-GP)
PZ84426 ǀ HK$315.00
演奏家: ABBA
AT-GP Atlantic George Piros master
Elvis / Elvis Presley (2LP)
PR80116 ǀ HK$155.00
演奏家: Elvis Presley
Horizon / Carpenters (BG/ED1)
PZ85421 ǀ HK$245.00
演奏家: Carpenters
BG Bernie Grundman master / ED1 S1/S1 第一版位
The Best of Joan Baez (BS)
PZ86239 ǀ HK$100.00$175.00(清貨)
演奏家: Joan Baez
BS Bell Sound master
Macalla / Clannad (JA/VV)
PZ83169 ǀ HK$135.00
演奏家: Clannad
JA Jack Adelman master / VV 處女膠
What's Love Got To Do With It / Tina Turner (Gene/EP)
PZ85436 ǀ HK$100.00
演奏家: Tina Turner
Gene Thompson master
Joan Baez Vol.2 / Joan Baez (TAS)
PZ85589 ǀ HK$210
演奏家: Joan Baez
TAS The Absolute Sound
Stardust / Willie Nelson (TAS/BG/ED1)
PZ85078 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Willie Nelson
TAS The Absolute Sound / BG Bernie Grundman master / ED1 1A1G 第一版位
England Rocks Anglo File 2 / The Hollies/The Tremeloes/David Essex… (Promo)
PZ84064 ǀ HK$115.00
演奏家: The Hollies/The Tremeloes/David Essex…
Promo 電台版
Take another Picture / Quarterflash (Wally)
PZ80187 ǀ HK$70.00
演奏家: Quarterflash
Wally Traugott master
The One that You love / Air Supply (AZ-CB)
PZ84246 ǀ HK$110.00
演奏家: Air Supply
AZ-CB Allen Zentz Chris Bellman master
Get Closer / Linda Ronstadt
PA80216 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Linda Ronstadt
War Child / Jethro Tull (Porky)
PZ83319 ǀ HK$120.00
演奏家: Jethro Tull
Porky George Peckham master
Don't Walk Away / Toni Childs (PS/VV/ED1/EP)
PZ86153 ǀ HK$100.00
演奏家: Toni Child
PS Precision Stephen / VV 處女膠 / ED1 ES1ES1 第一版位
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed