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查看訂單 0 Enigmatic Ocean / Jean-Luc Ponty
圖片只供參考產品編號: JA80074
特價: HK$50.00
Jean Luc Ponty 爵士樂榜首電子小提琴音樂
作曲家: 演奏家: Jean-Luc Ponty 品牌: Atlantic 原廠編號: SD19110 (SD-19110) 原產地: 加 唱片質素: NM- 唱片封套: NM- 曲目 1: 曲目 2: 1 Overture
2 The Trans-Love Express
3 Mirage
4 Enigmatic Ocean (Part I)
5 Enigmatic Ocean (Part II)
6 Enigmatic Ocean (Part III)
7 Enigmatic Ocean (Part IV)1 Nostalgic Lady
2 The Struggle Of The Turtle To The Sea (Part I)
3 The Struggle Of The Turtle To The Sea (Part II)
4 The Struggle Of The Turtle To The Sea (Part III)
Enigmatic Ocean / Jean-Luc Ponty
Jean Luc Ponty 爵士樂榜首電子小提琴音樂... (詳盡資訊)
Individual Choice / Jean-Luc Ponty (Promo)
罕有電台版 Jean-Luc Ponty 爵士樂上榜小提琴/琴鍵名盤... (詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版JZ83535 ǀ HK$75
A Taste for Passion / Jean Luc Ponty (ST-GC)
Jean Luc Ponty 上榜大碟爵士小提琴演譯 A Taste for Passion, ST-GC 靓版... (詳盡資訊)ST-GC Sterling Greg Calbi masterJA80091 ǀ HK$75.00
Aurora / Jean-Luc Ponty (AS)
Jean Luc Ponty AS 靚版爵士小提琴演譯 Aurora 等名曲... (詳盡資訊)AS Artison MasterJA80087 ǀ HK$70.00
Stephane Grappelli / Jean Luc Ponty
Stephane Grappelli/Jean Luc Ponty 爵士小提琴罕有合奏... (詳盡資訊)
Imaginary Voyage / Jean Luc Ponty (Promo/AT-GP)
罕有電台版 Jean Luc Ponty 爵士小提琴演譯 Once Upon A Dream 等名曲, AT-GP 靚版... (詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版 / Atlantic Studio - George Piros masterJA80119 ǀ HK$80.00
Mystical Adventures / Jean Luc Ponty (Promo)
爵士小提琴手 Jean Luc Ponty 出色的演譯, 罕有電台版... (詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版JA80123 ǀ HK$70.00
Storytelling / Jean Luc Ponty (DR/BG)
Jean Luc Ponty 數位發燒爵士小提琴演譯 Chopin 蕭邦名曲, BG 靚版... (詳盡資訊)DR 數位錄音 / BG Bernie Grundman masterJZ81183 ǀ HK$165.00
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed