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查看訂單 0 流行曲 演奏家姓氏 - A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # | 全部 共 78 張原版黑膠唱片在"流行曲"類别 排序: 標題排序: 每頁顯示:
The Blue Millionaire / Marianne Faithfull (WLP/ST)
PZ86117 ǀ HK$195
演奏家: Marianne Faithfull
WLP 電台首版 / ST Sterling Master
Alive Alive-O! / Jose Feliciano (G/2LP)
PZ85023 ǀ HK$155.00
演奏家: Jose Feliciano
G 凹溝 / 雙唱片
Souled / Jose Feliciano (G/1s2s)
PZ84922 ǀ HK$175
演奏家: Jose Feliciano
G 凹溝 / 1s2s 首版
Encore! José Feliciano's Finest Performances (2s1s)
PZ86102 ǀ HK$245.00
演奏家: Jose Feliciano
2s1s 首版
Encore! José Feliciano's Finest Performances
PZ86634 ǀ HK$195
演奏家: Jose Feliciano
Souled / Jose Feliciano (BD)
PR80041 ǀ HK$140.00
演奏家: Jose Feliciano
BD 黑狗初版
Before The Next Teardrop Falls / Freddy Fender (ED1)
PZ86168 ǀ HK$90
演奏家: Freddy Fender
ED1 A2B1 第一版位
Help Me / Bryan Ferry (WLP/MD/ED1)
PZ85431 ǀ HK$130
演奏家: Bryan Ferry
WLP 電台首版 / MD Masterdisk master / ED1 SH1SH1 第一版位
Windswept / Bryan Ferry (EP)
PZ84259 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Bryan Ferry
These Foolish Things / Bryan Ferry (ED1)
PZ86822 ǀ HK$175
演奏家: Bryan Ferry
ED1 1A1A 第一版位
The Age of Aquarius / The Fifth Dimension
PZ82458 ǀ HK$55.00
演奏家: Fifth Dimension The
So Let Us Entertain You / First Choice (FW/ED1)
PZ86198 ǀ HK$110
演奏家: First Choice
FW Frankford Wayne Recording Labs / ED1 1A1A 第一版位
Schlagers / Ella Fitzgerald, Joni Mitchell … (2LP/WLP)
PW80219 ǀ HK$215.00
演奏家: Ella Fitzgerald, Joni Mitchell, Peter, Paul & Mary, Frank Sinatra...
WLP 電台首版 / 雙唱片
Oasis / Roberta Flack (WLP/TML-MM)
PZ85343 ǀ HK$210
演奏家: Roberta Flack
WLP 電台首版 / TML-MM The Mastering Lab master
Angel Come Home / Mick Fleetwood's Zoo (WLP/PS/EP)
PZ85511 ǀ HK$100.00
演奏家: Mick Fleetwod's Zoo
WLP 電台首版 / PS Precision master
The Visitor / Mick Fleetwood (TH)
PZ84161 ǀ HK$80.00
演奏家: Mick Fleetwood
TH Townhouse master
Future Games / Fleetwood Mac
PZ82333 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
Mirage / Fleetwood Mac (IAM-JS)
PZ82524 ǀ HK$175
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
IAM-JS Bruce Leek master
Tango In The Night / Fleetwood Mac (WLP/PS-DMM/EP)
PZ84251 ǀ HK140.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
WLP 電台首版 / PS-DMM Precision Direct Metal Mastering
Family Man / Fleetwood Mac (DMM/EP)
PZ85362 ǀ HK$110
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
DMM Direct Metal Mastering
Behind The Mask / Fleetwood Mac (PS-DMM)
PZ83044 ǀ HK$125.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
PS-DMM Precision Direct Metal Mastering
Big Love / Fleetwood Mac
PZ82682 ǀ HK$70.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
Fleetwood Mac Live (MD-HW/2LP)
PZ86788 ǀ HK$315
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
MD-HW Masterdisk Howie Weinberg master / 雙唱片
Bare Trees / Fleetwood Mac
PZ83283 ǀ HK$100.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
Tusk / Fleetwood Mac (R2D4/2LP)
PW80009 ǀ HK$245.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
R2D4 Stereophile / 雙唱片
Fleetwood Mac Live (MD-HW/2LP)
PZ82664 ǀ HK$385.00
演奏家: Fleetwood Mac
MD-HW Masterdisk Howie Weinberg master / 雙唱片
The Very Best Of The Fleetwoods
PZ83229 ǀ HK$100.00
演奏家: Fleetwoods, The
Flower / Flower (AS-GF)
PZ86225 ǀ HK$70
演奏家: Flower
AS-GF Artisan Greg Fulginiti master
Focus 3 / Focus (ST/2LP)
PZ86063 ǀ HK$90$155(清貨)
演奏家: Focus
ST Sterling Master / 雙唱片
Innocent Age / Dan Fogelberg (ST/2LP)
PZ82735 ǀ HK$140.00
演奏家: Dan Fogelberg
ST Sterling Sound master / 雙唱片
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed