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流行曲 |
演奏家姓氏 - A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # | 全部 |
共 278 張原版黑膠唱片在"流行曲"類别 |
Stan Campbell (WLP/HB-JR/VV)
PE80132 ǀ HK$85.00 演奏家: Stan Campbell HB-JR Herbie Jr. master / WLP 電台首版 / VV 處女膠
Rhinestone Cowboy / Glen Campbell (TML-MM/ED1) PZ86381 ǀ HK$100 演奏家: Glen Campbell TML-MM The Mastering Lab master / ED1 Z6Z6 第一版位
Southern Nights / Glen Campbell
PC80017 ǀ HK$55.00 演奏家: Glen Campbell |
Glen Travis Campbell / Glen Campbell (GR) PZ82090 ǀ HK$70.00 演奏家: Glen Campbell GR 綠標靚版
New Place in the Sun/Glen Campbell (RB)
PC80175 ǀ HK$40.00 演奏家: Glen Campbell |
Super Oldies Vol.3 / Cannonball Adderley, Stone Poneys… (RB/2LP) PZ82557 ǀ HK$195.00 演奏家: Cannonball Adderley, Stone Poneys, Glen Campbell… RB 彩虹版 / 雙唱片
Tous Dans L'Même Bateau / CANO (JAMF) PZ86361 ǀ HK$90 演奏家: CANO JAMF Just Another Mastering Facility master
Love Will Keep Us Together / Captain & Tennille (MR/ED1) PZ86245 ǀ HK$90 演奏家: Captain & Tennille ED1 M1M1 第一版位 / MR Monarch 壓碟
Love Will Keep Us Together / Captain & Tennille (WLP) PZ82777 ǀ HK$210.00 演奏家: Captain & Tennille WLP 電台首版
Captain & Tennille's Greatest Hits PZ84141 ǀ HK$100.00 演奏家: Captain & Tennille |
Love Will Keep Us Together / Captain & Tennille PZ85526 ǀ HK$80 演奏家: Captain & Tennille |
Hello Again / The Cars (WLP/ST/EP) PZ83585 ǀ HK$140.00 演奏家: Car, The WLP 電台首版 / ST Sterling Master
What A Feelin' / Irene Cara (ED1) PZ87133 ǀ HK$80 演奏家: Irene Cara ED1 A1B1 第一版位
Flashdance… What A Feeling / Irene Cara (ST/EP) PZ85392 ǀ HK$90 演奏家: Irene Cara ST Sterling master
Carasmatic / Irene Cara (WLP/BG)
PE80074 ǀ HK$105.00 演奏家: Irene Cara WLP 電台首版 / BG Bernie Grundman Master
Breakdance / Irene Cara (ED1/EP) PZ87367 ǀ HK$90 演奏家: Irene Cara ED1 SH2SH2 第一版位
Breakdance / Irene Cara (ED1/EP) PZ85416 ǀ HK$75.00 演奏家: Irene Cara ED1 A1B1 第一版位
What A Feelin' / Irene Cara (AS-GF) PZ84282 ǀ HK$90.00 演奏家: Irene Cara AS-GF Artisan Greg Fulginiti master
Why Me? / Irene Cara (EP/GF/ED1) PZ87316 ǀ HK$110 演奏家: Irene Cara ED1 SH1SH1 第一版位
Why Me? / Irene Cara (EP) PZ86621 ǀ HK$90.00 演奏家: Irene Cara |
Breakdance / Irene Cara (Promo/SNB/EP) PZ82301 ǀ HK$90.00 演奏家: Irene Cara Promo 電台版 / SNB Sabin Nelson Brunet master / EP
Flashdance… What A Feeling / Irene Cara (ST/VV/EP) PZ84404 ǀ HK$100.00 演奏家: Irene Cara ST Sterling master / VV 處女膠
View From The House / Kim Carnes (ST/DMM/DR) PZ87414 ǀ HK$70 演奏家: Kim Carnes ST Sterling Master / DMM Direct Metal Mastering
Café Racers / Kim Carnes (AS-GF) PZ82437 ǀ HK$75.00 演奏家: Kim Carnes AS-GF Artisan Greg Fulginiti master
Mistaken Identity / Kim Carnes (TML-MM) PZ85099 ǀ HK$90 演奏家: Kim Carnes TML-MM The Mastering Lab master
Café Racers / Kim Carnes PZ86778 ǀ HK$65 演奏家: Kim Carnes |
Barking At Airplanes / Kim Carnes (Promo/ST/VV/ED1) PZ86523 ǀ HK$110 演奏家: Kim Carnes Promo 電台版 / St Sterling Master / VV 處女膠/ ED1 Z2Z2 第一版位
Voyeur / Kim Carnes (TML-XS) PZ80055 ǀ HK$70.00 演奏家: Kim Carnes TML-XS The Mastering Lab master
Romance / Kim Carnes PE80133 ǀ HK$60.00 演奏家: Kim Carnes |
Lighthouse / Kim Carnes PZ83389 ǀ HK$50.00 演奏家: Kim Carnes |