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Impact at Basin St E / the page 7 (BD/4s4s)
The Page 7 黑狗靚版演譯 I Can't Stop Loving You 等爵士名曲...(詳盡資訊)BD 黑狗 4s4s 初版JR80187 ǀ HK$115.00
Impact at Basin St E / The Page 7 (BD)
The Page 7 黑狗靚版演譯 I Can't Stop Loving You 等爵士名曲...(詳盡資訊)BD 黑狗初版JR80124 ǀ HK$100
Porky's OST / Patti Page/The Platters… (SNB)
Porky's 反斗星電影懷舊靚歌包括 Patti Page/The Platters 等名曲, SNB 靚版...(詳盡資訊)SNB Sabin Nelson Brunet masterJP80004 ǀ HK$125.00
Evita / Elaine Paige/Andrew Lloyd Webber
Elaine Paige 演譯 Evita 名曲 Don't cry for me Argentina...(詳盡資訊)
Stages / Elaine Paige
Elaine Paige 演譯 Memory, Send in the Clowns 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)
Chess / Murray Head/Elaine Paige (2LP)
Elaine Paige/Murray Head 音樂劇 Chess 雙唱片名曲 One Night in Bankok...(詳盡資訊)雙唱片JZ81049 ǀ HK$245.00
Cats / Elaine Paige/Sarah Brightman (2LP)
Elaine Page/Sarah Brightman 主演 Andrew Lloyd Webber 著名的貓音樂劇雙唱片...(詳盡資訊)
An Evening At Radio City Music Hall / Raymond Paige (G)
Raymond Paige 凹溝首版爵士樂演譯 Mathilda, Mathilda 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)G 凹溝JZ83133 ǀ HK$175
In London, In Love / Norrie Paramor (RB)
Norrie Paramor 彩虹靚版演譯 The Very Thought Of You 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)RB 彩虹標JZ83008 ǀ HK$90 (清貨)
Silver Serenade / Norrie Paramor (VV)
Norrie Paramor 處女膠靚版演譯 Midnight In Moscow 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)VV 處女膠JZ83422 ǀ HK$90
The Naked Carmen / David Hess/John Corigliano/Paray (PH)
罕有電子搖滾歌劇 Naked Carmen, PH 靚版...(詳盡資訊)PH Pete Hellffrich masterJZ80255 ǀ HK$90.00
The Naked Carmen / David Hess/John Corigliano/Paray
Paray 佩瑞指揮罕有搖滾歌劇 Naked Carmen...(詳盡資訊)
Sound of Conversations in Music (凹溝)
Kapp 凹溝首版超級立体聲輕音樂 ...(詳盡資訊)G 凹溝首版JK80014 ǀ HK$115.00
Bird With Strings (Live At The Apollo, Carnegie Hall & Birdland) / Charlie Parker
Charlie Parker 罕有現場錄音演奏 Easy To Love, Just Friends 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)
Ghostbusters / Ray Parker Jr/Elmer Bernstein
Ray Parker Jr/Elmer Bernstein 榜首名曲電影捉鬼敢死隊主題曲...(詳盡資訊)
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas / Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton 靚聲動聽的I Will Always Love You...(詳盡資訊)
Rhinestone / Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton 上榜大碟演唱電影 Rhinestone "猛龍勁歌"原聲大碟...(詳盡資訊)
The Decade Of The 60's / Dolly Parton/Floyd Cramer… (2LP)
包括 Dolly Parton/Floyd Cramer 等雙唱片演唱六十年代流行名曲...(詳盡資訊)雙唱片JZ83647 ǀ HK$155.00
Sunday In The Park With George / Mandy Patinkin/Bernadette Peters (R2D4/DR/JA)
Sondheim R2D4 上榜數位發燒音樂劇 Sunday In The Park With George, JA 靚版...(詳盡資訊)R2D4 Stereophile / JA Jack Adelman master / DR 數位錄音JZ81075 ǀ HK$130.00
We go together / Paul & Paula
Paul & Paula 首張大碟演唱 You send me 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)
The World Of Country Music / Paul Livert (P4/ED1)
Paul Livert P4 ED1 靚版演譯 Green, Green Grass Of Home 等鄉謠名曲...(詳盡資訊)P4 Phase 4 / ED1 L2L2 第一版位JZ83583 ǀ HK$90
Pavarotti My Own Story (2LP)
Pavarotti 巴伐洛堤精選包括 O Sole Mio 樂曲雙唱片集...(詳盡資訊)雙唱片JZ80505 ǀ HK$140.00
Passione / Pararotti (DR)
Pavarotti 巴伐洛堤數位發燒演唱 Era De Maggio 等拿坡里情歌...(詳盡資訊)DR 數位錄音JZ80518 ǀ HK$90.00
Yes Giorgio OST / Pavarotti (Promo/DR)
罕有電台版 Pavarotti 巴伐洛堤數位發燒演唱 Santa Lucia 等意大利情歌...(詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版 / DR 數位錄音JZ83079 ǀ HK$100
Pavarotti's Greatest Hits Vol.1 (SNB)
Pavarotti 巴伐洛堤包括 Ave Maria 等精選, SNB 靚版...(詳盡資訊)SNB Sabin Nelson Brunet (Montreal) masterJZ80516 ǀ HK$70.00
Yes Giorgio OST / Pavarotti (DR)
Pavarotti 巴伐洛堤數位發燒演唱 Santa Lucia 等意大利情歌...(詳盡資訊)DR 數位錄音JZ80174 ǀ HK$100.00
Jan Peerce in Las Vegas (BD/2s2s)
Jan Peerce RCA首版Living Stereo靚音樂 ...(詳盡資訊)
Gershwin by Starlight / Pennario/Newman (RB/9oc)
彩虹首位 Pennario/Newman 演譯 Gershwin 蓋希文名曲 ...(詳盡資訊)RB 彩虹首版 / 9ocJC80075 ǀ HK$125.00
Themes For Young Lovers / Percy Faith And His Orchestra (2i)
Percy Faith 兩眼首版演譯 Up On The Roof 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)2i 兩眼首版JZ83067 ǀ HK$100
Themes For The "In" Crowd / Percy Faith And His Orchestra (2i/ED1)
Percy Faith 兩眼 ED1 首版演譯 Yesterday 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)2i 兩眼首版 / ED1 1A1B 第一版位JZ83066 ǀ HK$115
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed