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Living Daylights / a-ha/John Barry (DR)
a-ha/John Barry 數位發燒 The Living Daylight ...(詳盡資訊)DR 數位錄音JW80140 ǀ HK$100.00
Passage / William Ackerman (DR/VV/SR)
William Ackerman 發燒結他音樂, SR 處女膠靚版...(詳盡資訊)SR Stan Ricker master / VV 處女膠 / DR 數位錄音JZ83404 ǀ HK$70
Windham Hill Records Sampler 81 / William Ackerman/George Winston…
Windham Hill 數位發燒包括 William Ackerman/George Winston 等精選...(詳盡資訊)
The Exciting Sound Of Acquaviva And His Orchestra
Acquaviva 演譯 C'est La Vie 等爵士名曲...(詳盡資訊)
Award Winner/Bonnie Guitar
Bonnie Guitar 結他音樂演奏 I Went To Your Wedding 等浪漫情款 ...(詳盡資訊)
The Christmas Festival In Brass / Bernard Adams (Promo)
罕有電台版 Bernard Adams 銅管樂演譯 Silent Night 等節日名曲...(詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版JZ83158 ǀ HK$80
Paradise Regained / Leo Addeo (BD/1s1s)
Leo Addeo BD 黑狗 1s1s 首版立體聲音樂...(詳盡資訊)BD 黑狗 1s1s 首版JZ80165 ǀ HK$130.00
This is love / Al Martino (RB/Promo)
Al Martino 彩虹版 靚錄音名曲 Strangers In The Night, Somewhere My Love 等, 罕有電台版...(詳盡資訊)RB 彩虹版 / Promo 電台版JZ80047 ǀ HK$115.00
Brass On Fire / Manny Albam
Manny Albam 指揮演譯 I Get A Kick Out Of You 等爵士名曲...(詳盡資訊)
Herb Albert & The T.J.B. Greatest Hits Vol. 2
Herb Albert 演譯 What now my love, Brasilia等名曲 ...(詳盡資訊)
Lonely Bull / Herb Alpert & The T.J.B. (GD)
Herb Alpert 金標首版演奏 The Lonely Bull, Desafinado 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)GD 金標JA80011 ǀ HK$60.00
Sound Likes / Herb Albert (Promo/GD)
罕有電台版 Herb Albert 金標首版 TAS 上榜名曲 Casino Royale "皇家賭場"...(詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版 / GD 金標首版JA80133 ǀ HK$110.00
Sound Likes / Herb Albert (GD)
Herb Albert 金標首版 TAS 上榜名曲 Casino Royale "皇家賭場"...(詳盡資訊)金標首版JA80083 ǀ HK$100.00
Warm / Herb Albert (GD)
Herb Albert 金標首版演譯披頭四的 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La Da 等 ...(詳盡資訊)GD 金標首版JA80017 ǀ HK$50.00
Herb Albert's Ninth (GD)
Herb Albert 金標首版演譯 Carmen 等名曲 ...(詳盡資訊)GD 金標首版JA80012 ǀ HK$50.00
Phase 4 World of Ronnie Aldrich (P4)
Ronnie Aldrich Phase 4 錄音 Born Free 等鋼琴精選 ...(詳盡資訊)P4 Phase 4JL80095 ǀ HK$80.00
This Way In / Ronnie Aldrich (P4)
Ronnie Aldrich P4 靚版鋼琴演譯 Blowin' In The Wind 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)P4 Phase 4JZ83187 ǀ HK$80
Two Pianos Today / Ronnie Aldrich (P4/G)
Ronnie Aldrich P4 凹溝靚版演譯 This Is My Song 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)G 凹溝 / P4 Phase 4JL80053 ǀ HK$100.00
Destination Love / Ronnie Aldrich (P4)
Ronnie Aldrich P4 靚版演譯 Theme From Romeo And Juliet 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)P4 Phase 4JZ83633 ǀ HK$70
The Romantic Pianos Of Ronnie Aldrich (P4/G/ED1)
Ronnie Aldrich P4 凹溝 ED1 靚版鋼琴演譯 Deep Purple 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)P4 Phase 4 / G 凹溝 / ED1 1W1WJZ83405 ǀ HK$90
Love Story / Ronnie Aldrich (P4/2LP)
Aldrich P4 錄音演譯 Love Story, Mediation 等浪漫音樂精選雙唱片...(詳盡資訊)P4 Phase 4 / 雙唱片JL80014 ǀ HK$155
Walt Disney's World / Peter Alexander/Mirelle Mathieu/Anna Moffo…
Peter Alexander/Mirelle Mathieu/Anna Moffo 等演唱迪士尼名曲...(詳盡資訊)
Swing Fever / All Star Swing Band (DR)
All Star Swing Band 數位發燒串燒 One O'Clock Jump/Take The 'A' Train 等爵士名曲...(詳盡資訊)DR 數位錄音JC80151 ǀ HK$60.00
Giants of Jazz / Henry Red Allen (3LP)
大樂團爵士樂 Henry Red Allen 等精選三唱片合集...(詳盡資訊)三唱片合裝JZ80219 ǀ HK$165.00
Show Boat / Roger Hammerstein (2i)
Show boat靚歌Old man river,二眼初版 ...(詳盡資訊)
Diamonds / Herb Alpert (WLP/BRG/VV/ED1/EP)
罕有電台首版 Herb Alpert 上榜名曲 Diamond, BRG ED1 處女膠靚版...(詳盡資訊)WLP 電台首版 / BRG Brian Gardner master / VV 處女膠 / ED1 ES1ES1 第一版位JZ83082 ǀ HK$140
Making Love In The Rain / Herb Alpert (WLP/BRG/ED1/VV/EP)
罕有電台 ED1 首版 Herb Alpert 上榜名曲 Janet Jackson/Lisa Keith 和唱, BRG 處女膠靚版...(詳盡資訊)WLP 電台首版 / BRG Brian Gardner master / ED1 ES1ES1 第一版位 / VV 處女膠JZ82647 ǀ HK$125
Just you & me / Herb Alpert (Promo/BG)
Herb Alpert 輕音樂靚碟 Just you & me, BG 電台靚版...(詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版 / BG Bernie Grundman masterJZ80009 ǀ HK$65.00
Rise / Herb Alpert (BG)
Herb Alpert 演譯靚歌 Angelina, Rodrigo 的 Aranjuez 等,BG 靚版 ...(詳盡資訊)BG Bernie Grundman masterJA80139 ǀ HK$50.00
Going Places / Herb Alpert (GD)
Herb Alpert 金標首版演譯包括Tijuana Taxi, Zobra the Greek 等名曲...(詳盡資訊)GD 金標首版JA80132 ǀ HK$80.00
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed