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查看訂單 0 Catch Bull at Four / Cat Stevens (TAS/LP聖經/ST-LH)
圖片只供參考產品編號: PA80552
特價: HK$140
TAS The Absolute Sound / LP聖經 / ST-LH Sterling Lee Hulko master
TAS 上榜 Cat Stevens 榜首大碟名曲 Sitting, ST-LH 靚版
作曲家: 演奏家: Cat Stevens 品牌: A&M 原廠編號: SP4365 (SP-4365) 原產地: 美 唱片質素: NM- 唱片封套: NM- 曲目第一面: 曲目第二面: A1 Sitting
A2 Boy With A Moon & Star On His Head
A3 Angelsea
A4 Silent Sunlight
A5 Can't Keep It In
B1 18th Avenue
B2 Freezing Steel
B3 O Caritas
B4 Sweet Scarlet
B5 Ruins
Foreplay / Cat Stevens/Sad Cafe... (PS-PR/WLP)
Cat Stevens, Sad Cafe 等合集, 罕有 PS-PR 電台首版... (詳盡資訊)PS-PR Precision Mark Regan master / WLP 電台首版SZ80109 ǀ HK$210.00
Back to Earth / Cat Stevens
Cat Stevens 離開樂壇前上榜大碟上榜名曲 New York Times... (詳盡資訊)
Foreigner / Cat Stevens (ST-LH)
Cat Stevens 風格獨特長達18分鐘的 Foreigner Suite, ST-LH 靚版... (詳盡資訊)ST-LH Sterling Lee Hulko masterPZ80223 ǀ HK$140.00
Catch Bull at Four / Cat Stevens (Promo/TAS/LP聖經)
電台靚版 TAS 上榜 Cat Stevens 榜首大碟名曲 Sitting... (詳盡資訊)Promo 電台版 / TAS The Absolute Sound / LP聖經PZ82617 ǀ HK$130.00
Foreigner / Cat Stevens (ST-LH/ED1)
Cat Stevens 風格獨特長達18分鐘的 Foreigner Suite, ST-LH ED1 靚版... (詳盡資訊)ST-LH Sterling Lee Hulko master / ED1 RE1/RE1 第一版位PZ85058 ǀ HK$155.00
Teaser and the Firecat / Cat Stevens (TAS/GD)
TAS 上榜 Cat Stevens 的榜首歌 Morning Has Broken, 金標首版... (詳盡資訊)TAS The Absolute Sound / GD 金標首版PZ83257 ǀ HK$350.00
Catch Bull at Four / Cat Stevens (TAS/LP聖經/ST-LH)
TAS 上榜 Cat Stevens 榜首大碟名曲 Sitting, ST-LH 靚版... (詳盡資訊)TAS The Absolute Sound / LP聖經 / ST-LH Sterling Lee Hulko masterPA80552 ǀ HK$140
Izitso / Cat Stevens (BG)
Cat Stevens 上榜大碟名曲 Old Schoolyard , BG 靚版... (詳盡資訊)BG Bernie Grundman masterPZ82538 ǀ HK$125.00
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed