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查看訂單 0 We Could Have Dance All Night / Griff Williams (FR1/1)
圖片只供參考產品編號: SM80151
特價: HK$175.00
Griff Williams 水星公司首版靚錄音輕音樂
作曲家: 演奏家: Griff Williams 品牌: Mercury 原廠編號: SR60021 原產地: 美 唱片質素: NM- 唱片封套: NM- 曲目第一面: 曲目第二面: Let’s fly away
Medley: All the things you are; Isn’t this a lovely day; Oh, Lady be good; Someone to watch over me; Do, Do, Do, Sioux city sue.
I Know that you know
In Love in Vain
When day is doneJust one of those things
Medley: Cornsilk; I get a kick out of you; The One I love Belongs to Somebody Else; Yours sincerely; Alexander’s Ragtime Band.
The Petite Waltz
The Girl Friend
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Giants of Jazz / Sidney Bechet (3LP)
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欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed