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查看訂單 0 Young Vs Old / Pete Seeger
圖片只供參考產品編號: PZ82463
特價: HK$125.00
Weavers 的 Pete Seeger 演唱 Both Sides Now 等民歌
My Rainbow Man
Both Sides Now
作曲家: 演奏家: Pete Seeger 品牌: Columbia 原廠編號: CS9873 (CS-9873) 原產地: 美 唱片質素: NM- 唱片封套: NM+ 曲目 1: 曲目 2: Who Knows
Bring Them Home
When I was Most beautiful
This Old Car
Ballad of the Fort Hood Three
Cumberland Mountain Bear Chase
Since You've Been Apart
Lolly Todum
My Rainbow Man
Poisoning the Students' Minds
All My Children of the Sun
The Good Boy
Be Kind to Your Parents
Get Up and Go
Declaration of Independence
Both Sides Now
Young Vs Old / Pete Seeger
Weavers 的 Pete Seeger 演唱 Both Sides Now 等民歌... (詳盡資訊)
Tumbling Tumbleweeds (ED1/7LP)
RCA 錄音 ED1 靚版七唱片包括七俠蕩寇誌等西部音樂... (詳盡資訊)ED1 1/2/1/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/2/2 第一版位 / 七唱片合裝PZ86742 ǀ HK$420
Together Again / The Weavers (FW-NY/VV)
The Weavers 復合 Carnegie Hall 演出,FW-NY 處女膠靚版... (詳盡資訊)FW-NY Frankford Wayne Master / VV 處女膠SZ80105 ǀ HK$175.00
The Weavers Greatest Hits (ED1/2LP)
The Weavers ED1 靚版包括 Guantanamera 等精選雙唱片... (詳盡資訊)ED1 1A1A1A1D 首版 / 雙唱片SZ92834 ǀ HK$315
The Weavers Reunion At Carnegie Hall 1963 (TAS/R2D4)
The Weavers TAS/R2D4 上榜現場錄音試音天碟,立体聲效果超乎想象... (詳盡資訊)TAS The Absolute Sound / R2D4 StereophileSV80008 ǀ HK$840.00
Rainbow Race / Pete Seeger (ED1)
The Weavers 主音 Pete Seeger ED1 靚版民歌大碟名曲 My Rainbow Race... (詳盡資訊)ED1 1B1D 第一版位SZ86681 ǀ HK$155.00
Pete Seeger's Greatest Hits
The Weavers 主音歌手 Pete Seeger 演譯包括 Where Have All The Flowers Gone 等精選... (詳盡資訊)
The Best Of The Weavers (2LP)
The Weavers 精選包括 Goodnight Irene 等名曲雙唱片... (詳盡資訊)雙唱片NZ82451 ǀ HK$600.00
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed