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查看訂單 0 清貨 共 956 張原版黑膠唱片在"清貨"類别
Wagner The Ring / Furtwangler/Rome SO (4 Boxes/18LP)
SZ88293 ǀ HK$1,400.00$1,680.00(清貨)
演奏家: Furtwangler/Orch. Sinfonica Di Roma
四合裝 / 十八唱片
The Nonesuch Explorer - Music From Distant Corners Of The World (ST-RL/2LP)
CZ85698 ǀ HK$50$280(清貨)
ST-RL Sterling Rob Ludwig master / 雙唱片
Classic Guitar / Julian Bream (3s10s)
CZ84484 ǀ HK$75.00$125.00(清貨)
演奏家: Julian Bream
Chopin Preludes / Andre Tchaikowsky (SD/3s1s)
SZ89411 ǀ HK$420.00$840.00(清貨)
演奏家: Andre Tchaikowsky
SD 影子狗 3s1s 首版
Beethoven Piano Sonatas Nos.1/19/12/20 / Kempff (Tulip)
SZ89405 ǀ HK$125.00$210.00(清貨)
演奏家: Wilhelm Kempff
Tulip 大禾花首版
Concerti Da Caccia / Iona Brown (DR)
CZ84499 ǀ HK$100$210(清貨)
演奏家: Iona Brown/ASMF
DR 數位錄音
Chausson/Ravel…Virtuoso Violinist / Igor Oistrakh (MD-BK/2LP)
CZ84332 ǀ HK$140.00$245.00(清貨)
演奏家: Igor Oistrakh/Natalia Zertsalova
MD-BK Masterdisk Bill Kipper master / 雙唱片
Cavatina / Sollscher (DR)
CZ84454 ǀ HK$125.00$210.00(清貨)
演奏家: Goran Sollscher
DR 數位錄音
Sibelius Violin Concerto/Finlandia / Ferras/Karajan (Tulip)
SZ92240 ǀ HK$245$385(清貨)
演奏家: Ferras/Karajan/Berlin PO
Tulip 大禾花首版
The World of Your Hundred Best Tunes / The Top Ten
CZ83684 ǀ HK$80.00$140.00(清貨)
演奏家: Ruggiero Ricci/ Sutherland/Backhaus/Gamba
Sibelius Violin Concerto / Oistrakh/Ormandy (TAS/2i)
SZ92233 ǀ HK$140$245(清貨)
演奏家: David Oistrakh/Ormandy
TAS The Absolute Sound / 2i 二眼初版
Sibelius/Bruch Violin Concertos / Francescatti (2i)
SZ88045 ǀ HK$125.00$245.00(清貨)
演奏家: Zino Francescatti/Bernstein
2i 两眼首版
Sibelius Violin Concerto/Finlandia / Ferras/Karajan (Tulip)
CZ84311 ǀ HK$100$195(清貨)
演奏家: Ferras/Karajan/Berlin PO
Tulip 大禾花首版
Sibelius Four Legends For Orchestra / Jensen
CZ86032 ǀ HK$80$125(清貨)
演奏家: Thomas Jensen/Danish State Radio Sym.
Sibelius The Seven Symphonies / Bernstein (5LP)
CZ85995 ǀ HK$420$560(清貨)
演奏家: Bernstein/NYPO
The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg Vol.VI / Craft (2i/ED1/2LP)
CZ86615 ǀ HK$60$175(清貨)
演奏家: Robert Craft/Columbia Chamber Ensemble
2i 兩眼首版 / ED1 1A1A 第一版位 / 雙唱片合裝
The Art Of The Netherlands / David Munrow (ED1/3LP)
CZ86063 ǀ HK$125$175(清貨)
演奏家: David Munrow/Early Music Consort Of London
ED1 G1G1G1G1G2G1 第一版位 / 三唱片合裝
Schumann Piano Sonate No.1/Scènes D'Enfants / Collard
CZ85395 ǀ HK$80$140(清貨)
演奏家: Catherine Collard
Schumann Piano Concerto in A Minor / Rubinstein/Krips (SD/3s3s)
CZ85415 ǀ HK$100$175(清貨)
演奏家: Rubinstein/Krips/RCA Victor SO
SD 影子狗 3s3s 初版
Schubert Trio No. 2 In E Flat Major, Op. 100 / The Immaculate Heart Trio (RB/9OC)
SZ86436 ǀ HK$420.00$840.00(清貨)
演奏家: The Immaculate Heart Trio, The
RB 彩虹圓標首版
Schubert Trout Quintet / Melos Ensemble (ED1)
CZ86276 ǀ HK$70$100(清貨)
演奏家: Melos Ensemble
ED1 A1B2 第一版位
Schubert Death And The Maiden / Juilliard String Qt (TAS/SD/2s2s)
SZ92212 ǀ HK$210$315(清貨)
演奏家: Juilliard String Quartet
TAS The Absolute Sound / SD 影子狗 2s2s 首版
Schubert Klaviersonate B-dur D.960 / Geza Anda (RS/Tulip)
SZ84507 ǀ HK210.00420.00(清貨)
演奏家: Geza Anda
RS Red Stereo / Tulip 大禾花首版
Festival of hits for the piano / Kempff/Argerich/Demus/Eschenbach…
CZ83167 ǀ HK$50.00$80.00(清貨)
演奏家: Kempff/ Argerich/ Foldes/ Demus/ Vasary/ Eschenbach
Violin Music of Schubert / Francescatti (Promo/2i)
SZ89407 ǀ HK$100$210(清貨)
演奏家: Zino Francescatti
Promo 電台版 / 2i 二眼首版
Schubert Symphony No.8/Rosamunde / Karajan (VV/ED1)
CZ86314 ǀ HK$70$100(清貨)
演奏家: Karajan/Berlin PO
Gene Thomson master / VV 處女膠 / ED1 G1G2 第一版位
Schubert Symphony No.9 / Ormandy (2i)
CZ85464 ǀ HK$60$100(清貨)
演奏家: Ormandy/Philadelphia Orch.
2i 兩眼首版
Schubert Symphony No. 8 "Unfinished"/Karajan
CD80895 ǀ HK$50.00$80.00(清貨)
演奏家: Karajan/Berlin PO
Schubert Trout Quintet / Curzon (TAS)
CZ85794 ǀ HK$125$245(清貨)
演奏家: Clifford Curzon/The Vienna Octet
TAS The Absolute Sound
Schubert Symphony Nos.8/5 / Toscanini (ED1)
CZ86524 ǀ HK$40$70(清貨)
演奏家: Toscanini/NBC SO
ED1 2s2s 第一版位
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed