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共 951 張原版黑膠唱片在"全新唱片"類别 |
Bay City Rollers Greatest Hits NZ84576 ǀ HK$385 演奏家: Bay City Rollers |
Stereo 35MM / Enoch Light (35mm/GP/CR Fine) NZ84530 ǀ HK$510 演奏家: Enoch Light And His Orchestra 35mm 錄音 / GP George Piros master / CR Fine 錄音
Digital Duke / The Duke Ellington Orchestra (R2D4/DR) NZ82330 ǀ HK$385 演奏家: Branford Marsalis/Eddie Daniels/Clark Terry… R2D4 Stereophile / DR 數位錄音
Wagner / Leinsdorf (TAS/R2D4/DD) NZ83452A ǀ HK$1275 演奏家: Erich Leinsdorf/LAPO TAS The Absolute Sound / R2D4 Stereophile / DD 直刻盤
Hiding Out / Boy George/Roy Orbison/K.D. Lang NZ85129 ǀ HK$340 演奏家: Boy George/Roy Orbison/K.D. Lang/Pretty Poison… |
Blowin Away / Joan Baez NZ84589 ǀ HK$425 演奏家: Joan Baez |
Beethoven Cello Sonatas Nos.3/5 / Jacqueline du Pre NZ84964 ǀ HK$850 演奏家: Jacqueline du Pre/Stephen Bishop |
Beethoven Piano Concertos Nos.3/4 / Perahia/Haitink (DR/DMM) NZ84942 ǀ HK$425 演奏家: Murray Perahia/Haitink DR 數位錄音 / DMM Direct Metal Mastering
This Is Where I Came In / Bee Gees RL/EP) NZ82486 ǀ HK$300 演奏家: Bee Gees RL Robert Ludwig master
Breathe Again / Toni Braxton (EP) NZ84604 ǀ HK$350 演奏家: Toni Braxton |
The Supremes at their Best / The Supremes NM80021 ǀ HK$385.00 演奏家: The Supremes |
Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1 / Richter/Munch NZ83448A ǀ HK$340 演奏家: Richter/Munch/Boston SO |
Terpischore Danserye / Wikman NZ85168 ǀ HK$170 演奏家: Thomas Wikman/Music Of The Baroque Brass Ensemble DR 數位錄音
Caverna Magica / Andreas Vollenweider (TAS/R2D4/發燒音響) NZ84731 ǀ HK$385 演奏家: Andreas Vollenweider TAS The Absolute Sound / R2D4 Stereophile / 發燒音響
Brahms Symphony No.4 / Carlos Kleiber (DR/SIL/J100/J300/G100) NZ84990 ǀ HK$1275.00 演奏家: Carlos Kleiber/Vienna PO DR 數位錄音 /J300 日本名盤300 /J100 日本究極100 /G100 留聲機百大 / SIL 銀底首版
Bruch Violin Concerto No.3 / Accardo NZ84968 ǀ HK$850 演奏家: Salvatore Accardo/Masure/Gewandhaus Orch, Leipzig |
The Beatles 1962 - 1966 (2LP) NZ84578 ǀ HK$1280.00 演奏家: Beatles 雙唱片
The Rose / Amanda McBroom/Bette Midler NZ82527 ǀ HK$340 演奏家: Amanda McBroom/Bette Midler |
Ellington Jazz Party / Duke Ellington (TAS/R2D4/VM) NZ84906 ǀ HK$680 演奏家: Duke Ellington TAS The Absolute Sound / R2D4 Stereophile / VM Vlado Meller
Die Mannheimer Schule / Camerata Bern (3LP) NZ84645 ǀ HK$1105 演奏家: Camerata Bern 三唱片合裝
Steven Gordon Plays Chopin NZ83743A ǀ HK$1020 演奏家: Steven Gordon SR2 Stan Ricker mster / HS 半速刻盤 / VV 處女膠