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Bach The Unaccompanied Cello Suites No 1/2 / Yo Yo Ma (DR/MD-BK)
SC80139 ǀ HK$560.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma
DR 數位錄音 / MD-BK Masterdisk Bill Kipper master
Bach The Unaccompanied Cello Suites Nos.5/6 / Yo Yo Ma (DR)
SZ84894 ǀ HK$490.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma
DR 數位錄音
Elgar Cello Concerto / Yo Yo Ma (DR)
SZ90959 ǀ HK$280.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma
DR 數位錄音
Bach Sonatas for Viola da Gamba & Harpsichord/Yo Yo Ma (MD/DR)
SZ81220 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: YoYo Ma / Kenneth Cooper
MD Masterdisk master / DR Soundstream 數位錄音
Bach Sonatas for Viola da Gamba & Harpsichord / Yo Yo Ma (MD/DR)
SZ80713 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: YoYo Ma / Kenneth Cooper
MD Masterdisk master / Soundstream DR 數位錄音
Claude Bolling Suite for Cello & Jazz, Piano Trio / Yo Yo Ma
SZ89226 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/ Cladue Bolling
Beethoven Sonatas for Piano & Cello / YoYo Ma/Emanuel AX (DR/PG3/3LP)
SZ82502 ǀ HK$700.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Emanuel
DR 數位錄音 / PG3 企鵝三星 / 三唱片合裝
Beethoven Sonatas Vol.2 / Yo Yo Ma/Emanuel Ax (DR)
SC80127 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Emanuel Ax
DR 數位錄音
Beethoven Sonatas Nos.4/1 / Yo Yo Ma/Emanuel Ax (DR)
SZ84138 ǀ HK155.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Emanuel Ax
DR 數位錄音
Beethoven Sonatas 1&2 / Yo Yo Ma (AP/DR/VV)
SZ80714 ǀ HK$245.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Emanuel Ax
AP Audiophile Pressing / DR 數位錄音/ VV 處女膠
Saint Saens Carnival of the Animals / Yo Yo Ma
SZ86495 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Entremont/Casadesus
Haydn Cello Concertos Nos.1&2 / Yo Yo Ma (Promo/ED1)
SZ91266 ǀ HK$140$280(清貨)
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Garcia/English Co
Promo 電台版 / ED1 1A1A 第一版位
Haydn Cello Concertos Nos.1&2 / Yo Yo Ma
SZ81221 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Garcia/English Co
Lalo/St-Saens Cello Concertos / Yo Yo Ma (PG3/DR)
SZ90859 ǀ HK$210
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Maazel/Orch National de France
PG3 企鵝三星 / DR 數位錄音
Shostakovich Cello Concerto No.1 / YoYo Ma (DR)
SZ92956 ǀ HK$280
演奏家: YoYo Ma/Ormandy/Philadelphia Orch.
DR 數位錄音
Strauss Don Quixote - Schoenberg Concerto In D Major / YoYo Ma (DMM/DR/ED1)
SZ90868 ǀ HK$245
演奏家: YoYo Ma/Ozawa/Boston SO
DR 數位錄音 / DMM Direct Metal Mastering / ED1 1B1C 第一版位
Kreisler Paganini / Yo Yo Ma/Patricia Zande (AP/DR/VV)
SZ80718 ǀ HK$245.00
演奏家: YoYo Ma/Patricia Zander
AP Audiophile 發燒糸列 / DR 數位錄音 / VV 處女膠
Atmospheres / Yo Yo Ma/Philip Glass...
SZ80620 ǀ HK$155.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Philip Glass..
Haydn Three Favorite Concertos / Yo Yo Ma/Cho Liang Lin (PG3*)
SZ80720 ǀ HK$210.00
演奏家: Yo Yo Ma/Wynton Marsalis /Cho-Liang Lin
PG3* 企鵝三星帶花
Mendelssohn Symphony No.3 / Maag (TAS/NB/G/BB)
SZ84109 ǀ HK280.00
演奏家: Maag/London SO
TAS The Absolute Sound / NB Narrow Banner / G 凹溝 / BB 藍黑底
Mozart Notturno For 4 Orchestras / Maag (Promo/WB/BB/ED1)
SZ89983 ǀ HK$525
演奏家: Peter Maag/London SO
Promo 電台版 / WB Wide Banner/BB 藍黑底 / ED1 1E/1E 第一版位
Chopin Les Sylphides/Delibes La Source / Maag (NB)
SL80144 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Maag/Paris CO
NB Narrow Banner
Mozart Clarinet/Horn Concertos / Maag (NB/4w3w)
SZ91142 ǀ HK$140
演奏家: Peter Maag/The London SO
NB Narrow Banner / 4w3w
Rossini Overtures / Maag
SZ80755 ǀ HK$140.00
演奏家: Maag/The Paris CO
Rossini Overtures / Maag (G)
SL80107 ǀ HK$175.00
演奏家: Maag/The Paris CO
G 凹溝
Rossini Overtures / Maag
SL80206 ǀ HK$140.00
演奏家: Maag/The Paris CO
Ravel L'Enfant Et Les Sortileges / Maazel (Tulip)
SZ92928 ǀ HK$210
演奏家: Lorin Maazel
Tulip 大禾花首版
Respighi Pini Di Roma / Maazel (PG3*/Tulips)
SZ82504 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Maazel/Belin PO
PG3* 企鵝三星帶花 / Tulips 大禾花首版
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Symphony No.4/5 / Maazel (Tulip)
SD80247 ǀ HK$245.00
演奏家: Maazel/Berlin PO
Tulip 大禾花首版
Schubert Symphony No. 2 / 3 / Maazel (Tulip)
SD80394 ǀ HK$195.00
演奏家: Maazel/Berlin PO
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed