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查看訂單 0 Oliver! / Lionel Bart (BD/2s1s)
圖片只供參考產品編號: JR80297
特價: HK$100.00 $175.00 (清貨)
BD 黑狗 2s1s 首版
Charles Gerhardt 監掣黑狗首版 Colgems 首版 Oliver 苦海孤雛電影原聲大碟
作曲家: 演奏家: 品牌: RCA 原廠編號: LSOD2004 (LSOD-2004) 原產地: 美 唱片質素: NM- *side 2 track 7 1cm 花 唱片封套: NM 曲目第一面: 曲目第二面: Food, Glorious food
I shall scream
Where is love?
Consider yourself
You’ve got to pick a pocket or two
It’s a fine life
Be back soonOom-Pah-Pah
My name
As long as he needs me
Who will buy?
Reviewing the situation
I’d do anything
As long as he needs me
Schumann Carnival Op. 9 / Gyorgy Sandor
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Rhapsodies / Stokowski (TAS/1/1)
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Bartok Divertimento For String Orchestra / Ormandy (ED1)
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The World Of Great Classics (10LP)
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Liebestraum / Askenase (SNB)
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Six Chamber Music Masterpieces / Kreisler/Fournier/Casals… (3LP)
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Toscanini The Man Behind The Legend (HS)
Toscanini 托斯卡尼尼半速發燒指揮 La Scala 樂團精選... (詳盡資訊)HS Half Speed masterNZ84113 ǀ HK$340
Chicago Symphony Orchestra - From Stock to Solti (2/2)
Stock/Solti/Reiner 等 ED1 靚版領導芝加哥管弦樂團精選... (詳盡資訊)ED1 2/2 第一版位CZ86930 ǀ HK$125
欣欣音響唱片 第一期15樓G室 金豐工業大廈 大連排道144-150號 香港新界葵涌
Yan Yan LP Flat G, 15th Floor, Block 1 Goldfield Industrial Building 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
星期一至六: 12pm - 7pm
星期日及公眾假期:休息Website hours: 24/7
Working hours:
Monday to Saturday 12pm - 7pm
Sunday and PH Closed